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S-13 (Whale Boat) Justus Sampson - First mate
S-13 (Whale Boat) Justus Sampson - First mate
1 for sale: $499

$499.00 Retired price plus shipping insurance Email seller
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Rating for this seller: None
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© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

S-13 (Whale Boat) Justus Sampson - First mate (WP)

Production start - retired/discontinued: 1997 - Mar 2007
Earliest known price - last known price: $450
Dimensions: 6.5" x 4" x 2"
Enoch Hookway, Harpooner, Boatsteerer Ichabod Paddoc, Greenhand, Bow oar Abraham Weaver, Greenhand, Midship oar Horace Putnam, Seaman, midship oar Friday Ascension, Seaman, Stroke oar Scrimshaw sailor mice on whale boat
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S-13 (Whale Boat) Justus Sampson - First mate
S-13 (Whale Boat) Justus Sampson - First mate
1 for sale: $1299
R.A. Georgetti

$1299.00 Special Price plus shipping insurance Email seller
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Rating for this seller: None
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© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

S-13 (Whale Boat) Justus Sampson - First mate (WP)
R.A. Georgetti
Production start - retired/discontinued: Aug 2007
Earliest known price - last known price: $550
Dimensions: 6.5" x 4" x 2"
sailor mice in whale boat in full color
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CAT-1977 1977 Catalog
CAT-1977 1977 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1977 1977 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1977 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
(2 images)
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CAT-1978 1978 Catalog
CAT-1978 1978 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1978 1978 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1978 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
Also see here (3 images)
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CAT-1979 1979 Catalog
CAT-1979 1979 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1979 1979 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1979 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
Also see here (2 images)
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CAT-1980 1980 Catalog
CAT-1980 1980 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1980 1980 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1980 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1981 1981 Catalog
CAT-1981 1981 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1981 1981 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1981 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1982 1982 Catalog
CAT-1982 1982 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1982 1982 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1982 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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BOX-1983 1983 Box
BOX-1983 1983 Box

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

BOX-1983 1983 Box (WP)

Production start - retired/discontinued: 1983 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
mouse boxes dated 1983 depicting mice in domestic settings (3 images)
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CAT-1983 1983 Catalog
CAT-1983 1983 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1983 1983 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1983 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1984 1984 Catalog
CAT-1984 1984 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1984 1984 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1984 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1985 1985 Catalog
CAT-1985 1985 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1985 1985 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1985 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1986 1986 Catalog
CAT-1986 1986 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1986 1986 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1986 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1987 1987 Catalog
CAT-1987 1987 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1987 1987 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1987 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1988 1988 Catalog
CAT-1988 1988 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1988 1988 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1988 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1989 1989 Catalog
CAT-1989 1989 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1989 1989 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1989 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1990 1990 Catalog
CAT-1990 1990 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1990 1990 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1990 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1991 1991 Catalog
CAT-1991 1991 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1991 1991 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1991 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1992 1992 Catalog
CAT-1992 1992 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1992 1992 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1992 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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BOX-1993 1993 Box
BOX-1993 1993 Box

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

BOX-1993 1993 Box (WP)

Production start - retired/discontinued: 1993 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
mouse boxes dated 1993 depicting a gathering of mice in a meadow (3 images)
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CAT-1993 1993 Catalog
CAT-1993 1993 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1993 1993 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1993 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1994 1994 Catalog
CAT-1994 1994 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1994 1994 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1994 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1995 1995 Catalog
CAT-1995 1995 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1995 1995 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1995 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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CAT-1996 1996 Catalog
CAT-1996 1996 Catalog

© Copyright 2024 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club

CAT-1996 1996 Catalog

Production start - retired/discontinued: Jul 1996 -
Earliest known price - last known price:
See full description here
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