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You are not logged in. Login/Register to sell or update Click for a quick guide
  • Navigate the Marketplace like the Master List, but the view changes depending on whether you are a Buyer or a Seller.
  • You first enter as a Buyer: Click an image if it indicates items are available.
  • Check the box to see only items for sale.
  • Login/Register to sell. This is the same login you use for the other Club services like the CheckList and Personal Master List.
  • Find the precise item you want to sell, as if you were navigating the Master List.
  • Click the Sell link to enter price and notes about an item. Add a photo, too!
  • You may go back later to modify details of an item for sale.
  • You may remove an item that has sold, or simply de-list it.
  • You may deactivate an item for sale so that it no longer appears in the Marketplace but is still available for reactivation later. Click the Change link to deactivate or reactivate. You also have the option to reactivate all inactive items with a single click at any item currently inactive.
  • If you have numerous items to list and don't want to be inundated with emails while you add more entries, you have the option to delay a listing's appearance until you are ready.

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