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Hello Wee Forest Folk Collectors! My grandmother was an avid collector who recently passed away. She left me her collection and I am hoping to sell it to good people that will give these mice great homes and will be using the money I make to help pay for my college tuition. I am an incoming freshman at the University of Southern California. In the next two weeks I will be selling over 40 collectibles in mint condition on Ebay. My Ebay store name is: "simpsonsgeek". I would greatly appreciate if you could take a look at my items and please feel free to message me if you have any questions! Thanks so much.
General Discussion / St. Patrick's Day mice
« Latest by walkingintheair on March 04, 2024, 02:59:42 PM »
Since St. Patrick's Day is coming up, let's talk about St. Patty's mice.

What are your favorite pieces and why?
General Discussion / Introduce Yourself
« Latest by Geoff on March 02, 2024, 01:17:56 AM »
That's why I avoid FB--it's a security risk. Anything you post on FB is fodder that can be sold to advertisers. Same goes for Google. They're hard to avoid, but I try to do what I can, like use Duck Duck Go for searches instead of Google.
General Discussion / Introduce Yourself
« Latest by walkingintheair on March 01, 2024, 03:28:20 PM »
The forum is easy to use, I will keep trying to encourage collectors to come here.  I've not been very successful so far though.   I think they just don't want to bother with logging into another place on the internet when everybody is on Facebook, no matter what downsides there are to it.
What I haven't been liking about Facebook is if I do something like research something health related, then I go on Facebook to connect with other collectors and I have to scroll through ads that have to do with what I was researching.  Can you explain why this happens?  Do Facebook and google work together somehow?
General Discussion / Interesting ebay listings
« Latest by walkingintheair on February 28, 2024, 08:33:27 PM »
I feel the same way.  If there is nothing noticeably wrong with it, it's as good as new.

General Discussion / Re: Interesting ebay listings
« Latest by Geoff on February 26, 2024, 08:43:26 PM »
A piece is new if it comes from either the Factory or a retailer; anywhere else is technically the secondary market. The Factory is willing to sell time-limited pieces for a while, but then they may turn the rest of their inventory over to a retailer like FairyTales.
Personally, if I cannot distinguish a piece as being not new, it's new to me, and that's good enough.
I might add that some collectors are so picky about their pieces that if I ever have a chance to buy from one of them, the piece will probably be BETTER than new!
General Discussion / Introduce Yourself
« Latest by Geoff on February 26, 2024, 08:35:51 PM »
I'm a collector that knows some tech stuff, and I've learned a LOT more tech stuff while working on the Master List!
I, too, and not too fond of FB; in fact, I consider FB to be a serious security risk. It is  beyond me why people would willingly post personal information in a public forum that might be exploited by bad guys. By contrast, there's no need to worry about posting here on the Forum, so there's no security risk.
When I try to get people to move their discussions from FB to here, I get the excuse, "Oh, it's too hard to learn to use the Forum". Personally, I think you have to be pretty obtuse to be unable to use this Forum, but what can I do?
Maybe if you spread the word about how easy it is to post here, others might listen to you.
And I am definitely more willing to post information here than on FB!
General Discussion / Interesting ebay listings
« Latest by walkingintheair on February 24, 2024, 03:02:41 PM »
Suddenly another Jack in the Box has showed up on ebay.  It says it's new, while the last one says it was pre-owned.

A question I have is how do you ever know if a wee forest folk is brand new?  I usually don't pay attention to this in descriptions because wouldn't it be easy to just put a pre owned piece with no defects back in a bag and put it in a box and call it new?
General Discussion / Mice you aren't seeking
« Latest by walkingintheair on February 24, 2024, 02:38:01 PM »
I had to look up Good Knight Mouse as I hadn't seen that one before, Willy made a good character out of that mouse. It would be a good piece to remake.

As for modern wee forest folk, some of them are Octo-Pal, Wee Water Bugs and Starfish Squeal.  I don't know why but I just wasn't fond of the sea creatures with faces.  And Toasty Turkey.  Just a little bit too funny looking.

General Discussion / Introduce Yourself
« Latest by walkingintheair on February 23, 2024, 03:13:54 PM »
Nice to meet you Geoff!  Up until now, I thought perhaps you were just a tech savvy person who was friends of Nancy and did the website work for her.  Now I know you are a collector as well. I've been posting links to some of my topics on here on Facebook in hopes that others will come.  I'm not too fond of Facebook.  I visited the factory to pick up a mouse last year while passing through the area, and I was surprised because I expected I'd be entering a gift shop like place, but instead it seemed more like somebody's home. You have put a lot of work into the master list and this website, thank you.