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General Discussion / Introduce Yourself
« Latest by Jdroman26 on February 16, 2024, 05:31:44 AM »
Hi Meghan,

My name is Julie. I live in the Detroit, MI area. I started collecting WFF when I was 19 years old.  I?m now 52 and except for a period of around 8 years, I have always collected the mice. I remember walking past a Hallmark store and spotting them and I was hooked.  I create miniature settings for my mice.  I generally use kits to achieve this.  My dad is an avid woodworker so I am trying to learn from him how to use the band saw, etc so that I too could create some other and more intricate displays for the mice.
Fun and Games / What WFF name contains a pun?
« Latest by walkingintheair on January 27, 2024, 02:54:04 PM »
"Wee Deliver" (the halloween mouse in pizza costume)
General Discussion / Introduce Yourself
« Latest by walkingintheair on January 22, 2024, 03:01:06 PM »
I thought it would be nice to make a thread where we could get to know each other better.

My name is Meghan, I live in south Florida (although the rest of my family is from Wisconsin).  I discovered Wee Forest Folk when I was around 12 or 13 years old at Bill Montague's "Mouse Trap" shop in Concord, MA while visiting my brother in Lexington, MA.  I'm in my late 30's now and aside from Wee Forest Folk I enjoy gardening, reading (really enjoying the Bronte sisters and Elizabeth Gaskell right now) and just took up learning embroidery. I wish I knew carpentry. because then I could make my own shelving for wee forest folk, as well as picture frames and garden fencing.
General Discussion / Ideas for mice
« Latest by walkingintheair on January 14, 2024, 02:39:06 PM »
I always like to read other collector's ideas for mice designs.  What new mice would you like to see?
Information / Re: Enhancement to Nu Insight pricing
« Latest by Geoff on August 04, 2021, 06:24:06 PM »
I combined the two "Search by" fields into a single field. Now you can start typing in a name or number and you'll get a list of suggestions. Choose the one you're looking for, or back up and try something different. No more scrolling through the infinite playlist!
Questions / Re: Selling/Help!!
« Latest by on June 11, 2021, 01:13:55 AM »
I have over 770 and would be willing to hept you get started.You can either look at the pictures im the masterlist to find your pieces or you can send me pics and I will tell you the name and number so you can refer to it in the masterlist and NuInsight to get an idea of pricing.
Information / Enhancement to new Marketplace: Font resizing
« Latest by Geoff on May 07, 2021, 12:43:29 AM »
The new Marketplace web page now allows font resizing after drilling down to reveal details of a particular item for sale. Look for the 'AAAAA' near the top of the page to change the font size.
I've resurrected the bulletin boards collectively known as the old Marketplace as the Marketplace at the Forum. These bulletin boards are not the same as the Master List-based Marketplace web page found through the Hot Links. Instead, the bulletin boards here on the Forum fill a niche not covered by the web page, namely, a place to sell collections, groups of WFF, WFF-related paraphernalia, ephemera, etc., that can't easily be listed on the other Marketplace because there is no corresponding entry in the Master List.
Questions / Re: Mini "Gift with Purchase" Pieces
« Latest by Geoff on April 28, 2021, 06:54:43 PM »
I created a category for incentive pieces, Carol. Look for "INC-" in the Master List.