Actually, this happens EVERY year on March 3rd.
The WFFCC hosts a subscriber pool to the Nu Insight pricing service (Disclaimer: Yes, that's my baby!) Instead of the usual $100 annual subscription, WFFCC members may join the pool for a donation of $10 or more. You may donate via PayPal here: you've never subscribed before, you may register here: catch, of course, is that this subscription runs from March 3rd to March 3rd, so if you want the most out of the service, it's best not to wait until March 3rd (or later) to join. Once you're in the pool, you can renew any time and I'll just push your expiration out another year.
If you're wondering if the service is worth $10, consider this: I process an average of 3000+ prices every month, and if you think you can do that for less than $1, send me a note and I'll hire you. Heck, I'll make it an even dollar for the month! ;-) But seriously, there is no other service out there that provides WFF pricing data as current as Nu Insight's.