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M-293 Catfish Cove
M-293 Catfish Cove
M-293 Catfish Cove
M-293 Catfish Cove
M-293 Catfish Cove (DP) M-293 Catfish Cove (DP) M-293 Catfish Cove (DP) M-293 Catfish Cove (DP)
Jul-03 - Feb-13$105 - $105Jul-03 - Feb-13$105 - $105Mar-04 - Apr-04$123 - $123Mar-04 - Apr-04$123 - $123
mouse in yellow trunks, aqua flippers & mask, orange snorkel holding pale aqua life preserver next to 'CATFISH COVE' sign on sand base (2 images)
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mouse in aqua trunks, blue flippers, green mask, blue snorkel holding pale blue life preserver next to 'CATFISH COVE' sign on sand base (2 images)
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Limited Edition - r/w/b: mouse in navy trunks, red flippers, white & red mask, RWB snorkel holding blue & white life preserver next to 'CATFISH COVE' sign on sand base (2 images)
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Limited Edition - r/w/b: mouse in red & white trunks, blue flippers, RWB snorkel & mask holding white life w/blue stars preserver next to 'CATFISH COVE' sign on sand base (2 images)
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M-293 Catfish Cove
M-293 Catfish Cove
M-293 Catfish Cove
M-293 Catfish Cove
M-293 Catfish Cove (DP) M-293 Catfish Cove (DP) M-293 Catfish Cove (DP) M-293 Catfish Cove (DP)
Glass Pheasant special - boy mouse in lavender trunks w/white dots, bright purple tube, yellow flippers & mask, at 'CATFISH COVE' (Count: 100)
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Mole Hole, Carmel, CA special - boy mouse in green trunks w/pink dots, purples and pinks mask, purple fins w/black tube, at 'CATFISH COVE' (Count: 100)
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Mouse Expo 2004 special - boy mouse in purple trunks w/green polka dots, lime green flipper, mask & tube stem, pink snorkel, lavender glitter tube, at 'EXPO COVE' (Count: 250)
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Toad Hall special - boy mouse in lime green trunks, yellow tube w/lime green & orange stripes, orange valve, orange fins, at 'CATFISH COVE' (Count: 100)
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M-293a Catfish Cove
MU-7 Cats with Poppies á la Monet
M-209 Caught in the Act
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M-209 Caught in the Act
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M-293a Catfish Cove (DP) MU-7 Cats with Poppies á la Monet (WP) M-209 Caught in the Act (WP) M-209 Caught in the Act (WP)
Jun-09 - Aug-09$130Jul-05 - Feb-08$250 - $2501995 - May-04$49 - $721995 - May-04$49 - $72
Limited Edition - mouse in floral trunks, lime flippers & mask, yellow & green snorkel holding orange life preserver on sand base
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two cats in pink dresses, larger holding parasol, behind poppies
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green dress/chocolate chips
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yellow dress/chocolate chips
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