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M-424y Trumpeters
M-424y Trumpeters
M-424z Sticky Fingers
M-425 Trim Twirler
M-424y Trumpeters (WP) M-424y Trumpeters (WP) M-424z Sticky Fingers (WP) M-425 Trim Twirler (WP)
Oct-13$340Oct-13?Jul-11$500Nov-10 - Feb-14$138 - $138
Folktoberfest 2013 special - ringmaster mouse in red jacket, black hat, playing trumpet on stand surrounded by four elephants wearing blue hats, standing on blue/red/yellow balls
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Folktoberfest 2013 special - OAK - ringmaster mouse in gold jacket, black hat, playing trumpet on stand surrounded by four elephants wearing purple hats, standing on purple/red/yellow balls
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FairyTales 2011 special - mouse in lavender top hat, girl mouse in pink from M-241 holding cookie, table from M-302 covered w/cake, cookies, cupcakes
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girl mouse in red jacket, red & white striped dress, white mittens, red cap, wraps holly w/berries around lamp post, snow base (2 images)
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M-425x For the Birds
M-426 The Lost Mitten
M-426a Mitten Trade
M-426x Penny Gwen
M-425x For the Birds (WP) M-426 The Lost Mitten (WP) M-426a Mitten Trade (WP) M-426x Penny Gwen (WP)
May-13$324Nov-10 - Feb-14$72 - $72Oct-12 - Jan-13$135May-13$104
Mouse Expo 2013 special - tree w/cardinals surrounded by birds & bunny, girl mouse from M-425 in green jacket, dark green dress, white mitten, striped cap w/white trim, 2 small boy mice in green & red, on snow base (2 images)
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girl mouse in pink jacket, taupe dress, green boots, yellow striped scarf, pink hat, hold one yellow mitten, other mitten behind her on snow base
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girl mouse in pink scarf, white jacket w/red/blue stripes, blue skirt w/snowmen, one red mitten in front of snowman w/blue top hat & one red mitten, on snow base
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Mouse Expo 2013 special - girl mouse in white glitter jacket, red dress w/penguins & candy cane hem, black boots, green & white striped scarf, red hat w/white trim, on snow base (2 images)
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M-426y Preparing for Winter
M-427 Holiday Arrival
M-427m Mini Holiday Arrival
M-428 Hat Trick
M-426y Preparing for Winter (WP) M-427 Holiday Arrival (WP) M-427m Mini Holiday Arrival (WP) M-428 Hat Trick (WP)
Aug-14$96 - $116Nov-10 - Feb-13$148 - $148Jan-23 - $52Nov-10 - Mar-22$110 - $114
FairyTales 2014 special - girl mouse in lavender jacket, mustard striped dress (may be embellished w/acorn, apple, or pumpkin), black boots, orange patterned scarf, green hat (4 images)
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mouse in blue jacket, light plaid dress, brown scarf, red mitten, tan hat w/holly, holding silver package, walks along white gate w/wreath on path cleared of snow
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mouse in blue jacket, light plaid dress, brown scarf, red mitten, tan hat w/holly, holding silver package
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mouse in pink, green striped scarf, rose boots, green mittens puts black top hat w/red band on snow mouse w/red gloves, carrot nose
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