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S-13 (Whale Boat) Justus Sampson - First mate
S-13 (Whale Boat) Justus Sampson - First mate
S-14 Willie Cook
S-14 Willie Cook
S-13 (Whale Boat) Justus Sampson - First mate (WP) S-13 (Whale Boat) Justus Sampson - First mate (WP) S-14 Willie Cook (WP) S-14 Willie Cook (WP)
1997 - Mar-07$450Aug-07$5501999 - Mar-07$39Aug-06$98
Enoch Hookway, Harpooner, Boatsteerer Ichabod Paddoc, Greenhand, Bow oar Abraham Weaver, Greenhand, Midship oar Horace Putnam, Seaman, midship oar Friday Ascension, Seaman, Stroke oar Scrimshaw sailor mice on whale boat
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R.A. Georgetti special - sailor mice in whale boat in full color
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Rank: Seaman scrimshaw sailor mouse at 'SHIPMATE' stove stirring pot, fish in pan Cook
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R.A. Georgetti special - Rank: colored Seaman sailor mouse in sage shirt, white apron, at black 'SHIPMATE' stove stirring black pot, fish in pan Cook
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SA-1 Lullaby Angel
SA-2 Sing-along Angel
SA-3 Loving Angel
SA-3 Loving Angel (pink)
SA-1 Lullaby Angel (WP) SA-2 Sing-along Angel (WP) SA-3 Loving Angel (WP) SA-3 Loving Angel (pink) (WP)
Nov-14 - Feb-20$142 - $142Nov-14 - Feb-21$218Nov-14 - $98 - $104Jul-24 - $104
angel mouse in peach gown looking over small mouse in pink, blue, or yellow, sleeping in green rocking cradle, mushrooms on ground (3 images)
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angel mouse in pale green playing accordion to pair of cardinal birds on tree branch next to green birdhouse
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angel mouse in yellow-green kneeling next to blue bird, mushrooms on ground
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angel mouse in pink kneeling next to blue bird, mushrooms on ground
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SA-3a Playing with Dragons
SA-4 Dearest Angel
SA-5 Schoolhouse Angel
SERIES-FMN Forget-me-not series insert
SA-3a Playing with Dragons (WP) SA-4 Dearest Angel (WP) SA-5 Schoolhouse Angel (WP) SERIES-FMN Forget-me-not series insert
Sep-19 - Jan-20$158Nov-15 - Feb-20$124 - $124Nov-16 - Feb-20$208 - $208??
girl mouse in olive dress, brown witch's hat hugging aqua dragon next to pumpkins
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angel mouse in blue holds red apple & green apple next to deer, basket of apples on snow base
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angel mouse in peach dress beneath platform w/red school birdhouse w/flag 'Flying School' & 2 birds
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insert announcing Forget-me-not series: B-2s, D-1s, H-1s, H-3s, M-14s, P-11s, RC-3s, TS-1s
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