MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP)
Limited Edition
Anaheim Angels 2002 white with red trim
Anaheim Angels 2002 white with red trim

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP)
Limited Edition
Boston Red Sox 2004 white with red trim
Boston Red Sox 2004 white with red trim

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP) (2 images)
Limited Edition
Chicago White Sox #1 black & white
Chicago White Sox #1 black & white

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP)
Limited Edition
Boston Red Sox Champs 2007 red & white
Boston Red Sox Champs 2007 red & white

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP)
Limited Edition
San Francisco Giants 2010 black & white, orange trim
San Francisco Giants 2010 black & white, orange trim

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP)
Limited Edition
Mark McGuire #25 70 HRS white with red trim
Mark McGuire #25 70 HRS white with red trim

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP) (2 images)
Christmas Magic
Portland Seadogs white with teal & black stripe
Portland Seadogs white with teal & black stripe

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP)
Colonial House of Collectibles
Cleveland Indians white pants navy shirt & cap
Cleveland Indians white pants navy shirt & cap

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP) (2 images)
Creative Hands
Chicago Cubs white pants navy shirt
Chicago Cubs white pants navy shirt

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP)
Great Midwest Craft Market
Milwaukee Brewers blue pinstriped pants
Milwaukee Brewers blue pinstriped pants

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP) (3 images)
Mole Hole, Denver and Littleton, CO
Colorado Rockies purple pinstripes purple hat
Colorado Rockies purple pinstripes purple hat

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP) (3 images)
Mole Hole, Denver, CO
Colorado Rockies purple pinstripes blue hat
Colorado Rockies purple pinstripes blue hat

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP)
Mole Hole, Palos Park, IL
Chicago White Sox white pants black shirt
Chicago White Sox white pants black shirt

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP)
Mole Hole, Palos Park, IL
Chicago White Sox white pinstriped pants black shirt
Chicago White Sox white pinstriped pants black shirt

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP) (4 images)
Mole Hole, Palos Park, IL
Chicago White Sox white uniform black pinstripes
Chicago White Sox white uniform black pinstripes

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP) (2 images)
Whimsey Hollow
white pants green shirt WFF 1
white pants green shirt WFF 1

MS-15 Joe Di'Mousio /Batter-up! (AP) (2 images)
Whimsey Hollow
white pants green pinstripes green shirt WFF 1
white pants green pinstripes green shirt WFF 1

S-05 John Jack (WP)

S-05 John Jack (WP)
R.A. Georgetti

S-07 John Tinkham (WP)

S-07 John Tinkham (WP)
R.A. Georgetti

PW-04 John, Michael & Teddy (WP)
FairyTales 2018

M-365 Johnny (WP)

M-365 Johnny (WP)
© Copyright 2025 by Wee Forest Folk Collectors' Club