M-693g Sending Love & Hope (WP)

M-693g Sending Love & Hope (WP) (2 images)
breast cancer awareness
pink skirt red heart
pink skirt red heart

M-693h Pride for the USA! (WP) (3 images)
blue skirt, flag

M-693i Thank You! (WP) (2 images)
peach skirt

M-694 Glitter Princess (WP)

M-694 Glitter Princess (WP)

M-695 Pumpkin Partier (WP) (4 images)

M-695a Valentine Cutie (WP)

M-696 Fraidy Cat! (WP) (5 images)

M-697 Spiffy Spider (WP) (4 images)

M-698 Halloween Haul (WP) (5 images)

M-699 My Wee Honey Bee (WP) (5 images)
rust dress

M-699a Be Mine Honey Bee! (WP)
pink dress

M-700 Bon Appétit Mon Ami! (DP) (5 images)

M-701 Leaf Lovers (WP) (4 images)
red/yellow/orange leaves

M-701a Finn & Fiona (WP)

M-702 Taste Tester! (WP) (4 images)

M-702a Sweets for My Sweetie (WP) (2 images)

M-703 Gingerbread Boy (WP) (4 images)

M-704 Vintage Chris-Miss (WP) (3 images)

M-705 Saucer Sliders (WP) (3 images)

M-706a Loads of Love (WP)
pink overalls

M-706b Loads of Love (WP) (2 images)
blue denim overalls

M-707 Poached Easter Eggs (WP) (3 images)
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